More Than Just The Speechless Jasmine

Juli 08, 2019

"Stay in your place
Better seen and not heard
But now that story is ending "

No, don't need to sing. You know that the words above are part of a phenomenal song nowadays. One of the Aladdin OSTs, Speechless, undoubtfully creates goosebumps to the listeners. The lyric is mesmerizing that it sums up Jasmine's thoughts which have been sealed just for the reason of the kingdom rules. From what I experienced, the movie talks a lot about feminism, where Jasmine strives to be the first woman sultan of Agrabah. That song suits well the story behind.

The phrase 'better seen and not heard' highlighted when Jafar -a fox traitor- averred it several times so that Jasmine gets sick of it. It encourages Jasmine to revolt against Jafar dictates. Not just for a beautiful princess like Jasmine, it is common in real life where people become a doll who lives unspoken. It's the same when a kid chooses to enter a school which his or her parent insists rather than his or her desire. He or she picks out to be seen as a good kid by obeying their parent. Is that wrong? No, it is a good deed. However, what if he or she speaks up about their dream school? The parent may consider it. The final result may not be the same if the kid remains silent.

However, to speak up and to be heard isn't enough. The parent may hear to their kid suggestion but the parent has the authority to give his important decision. They may still in their argument uncompromisingly and does not allow their child to enter that dream school. That's why we need a character like The Hakim in the Aladdin. Jasmine has spoken, but Jafar remained adamant with his own resolution, also the soldiers are confused. So, here Hakim holds the key.
The Hakim played a role where he did not only hear Jasmine's voice, but also made a real action. He decided to stay on the Sultan's side, then all the soldiers followed him. Although then the Hakim got vanished by Jafar's superpower, Hakim's deed pressured Jafar and brings back the value that the Sultan is more than a crown above the head. Hakim shows us what should come after a fact disclosure: action as a response.

No matter how much someone speaks up about something, whenever we don't respond to it, it will result in nothing. What do I do after listening to a campaign talked about eating healthy food? I keep eating junk food. On a bigger scale, what do we do after knowing a lot of kids are starving, a great debacle happens or fraud happens in front of our eyes? What do we do after we know it? After the media speak up a lot about it?

So it's more than speechless. There's no 'better be heard and not be responded'.

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