Dhikr with Music

Desember 12, 2018

Assalamualaikum, pembaca!

Music. Who doesn’t love it? Nowadays, we live alongside with plethora of music genres. You name it. Pop, jazz, rock, country, dangdut? But I love K-Pop the most honestly haha. Whatever the mood in the air, wherever we are, music just feels suit in every condition. It’s true that music coloring our days. Even though some kinds of songs make me dizzy, there is a lot of good songs we can listen to. It’s jollifying your bad day or tranquilizing you when you’re in the middle of hubbub. Just open Spotify and plug in your headphone, then you get your own world with music besides you. You play it, wherever, whenever. So the fact we can deny is: we do listen to music, anytime. They are our live companion. Even worse, we listen to music, more than we listen to Qur'an.

I've been curious since I was in high school. Dad asked me, how Islam see music and art? Is it haram? Or halal? Is it prohibited or allowed? We're same, we don't know the Islamic point of view on this matter. Some experts averred it's haram because it will lead us to waste our time and make us imagine fancy things that don't matter. Music often connotes having a bad effect on the people. As you can see the present music videos, the actresses don't wear a proper suit, even some of the lyrics contain some sentences that are contrary to Islam. So, it's strengthening their arguments.

But there are some experts that categorized music as a halal thing. They said music is halal due to some circumstances. If it contains kindness or things that in line with the Islamic principle, music is halal. They see it as an alternative approach to embrace the millennials and introduce Islam to them.

So, which one is correct?
Recently, I watched a video uploaded by Najwa Shihab answering this utmost disturbing question. A big thanks for Mbak Nana dan Abi Quraish Shihab, may Allah blesses you. Guys, you may have to dive into these videos I put below. As those videos clearly answer that question, I won't give any conclusion on that matters. I'll let you decide on your own conclusion, whether music is halal, or not.

So, let's dive in!




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