
Desember 19, 2018

I have no brother, but I have a little sister.  Just one, but It's more than hundreds.

So, here's the story.

Recently, I suddenly became a fangirl -which I hate to admit- of a member of famous, fabulous, and old-but-gold K-Pop boyband. Guess the person! Kyungsoo, right. And if you ask me why Do Kyungsoo, I'll answer that with abundant reasons but I know you won't listen so I'll skip it. I have wasted almost 4 days to stalk on him. I acknowledge it that it is a huge waste of time! Searching the detail of someone's life that that person himself does not care anything about me sounds immensely fanatic. But lemme be crazy for a while. And please, pray for my cure so I can heal from this insane habit quickly.

But the matter is not about my fangirling activities. So, when I was looking for his career information, I found that he also plays as an actor. One of his movie that became a hit in 2016 is 'Brother' or 'Hyeong' in Korean. I had finished watching that movie just minutes ago. The movie was driving me emotional. There's no such cheesy-love-thingy dilemma in that movie unless a pure love from two brothers that utterly swept my feeling. I know that I easily get touched by a simple sad story. But this movie really has a valuable message for its audience. Hence, I recommend you to watch that movie immediately.

In short, 'Brother' tells about two brothers that have a very different world. The older brother, Doo Shik (played by Jo Jung-suk), is a prisoner meanwhile his lil bro, Doo Young (played by Kyungsoo), is a national athlete for judo. Then, Doo Young suddenly gets an injury and makes him blind. Doo Shik pretends to take care of him so he can be released from the jail. Both of them can't get along each other. But after a shocking fact, Doo Young changes and support his bro to enter paralympic national team. They become very close, even it feels like a bromance haha. Their sibling relationship becomes tight. In the end, Doo Young and Doo Shik have to live in a separate place but their relationship connects them forever.

I don't wanna give any spoiler so just watch it!
Doo Shik is a really warm-hearted brother, he does his best for his bro. He even made wooden handles along the walls so Doo Young can walk inside the house easier. He also cut the edges of the table into round shapes, changes all of the fragile stuffs, buy a guide stick and teaches Doo Young to cook simple food for his meals. Formerly, he was a cold person who did not care anything happened to Doo Young. He even guaranteed the house for a debt so he could have fun with girls. But after that 'shocking fact', he shows his tenderness. Ah, what a lovely brother, now I'm dreaming what if Doo Young is my brother haha.

In fact, I don't have any brother but I have one lil sister. She's really different. You can't compare her to me just because we're siblings. We live in a totally different world haha. In past, I admit that sometimes I hate her. She used to kick me without certain reasons. She's stubborn, get mad easily, and impatient. Even until now. I'm sorry sis, but it's the fact hehe. I hate her when she did not want to study even though the next day was her final examination day.  I did not get along to her mindset. We used to fight for simple problems.

But it changed after we're separated by hundreds of kilometers distance. We finally know the feeling of having sibling. We only connected by WhatsApp, sometimes we do a video call, voice notes, messages, and via other chatting apps. Suddenly, we miss the time we fight, the time we bicker something trivial, and all those stupid arguments we throw. We miss our togetherness, we realize it after we're apart. What a touching story haha.

Recently I got a message from my lil sis, she asked me to pray for her score on the latest exam. She's craving for being in the top ten ranks. That's the thing she had never done before. Then, I answered her text by asking her to pray for my exam too. She replied, "I always pray for you on my salat. I always pray for your success, sis". It felt like a miracle. My lil sis, who used to fight and bicker with me, suddenly become tender to me? From that point on, we do less fight. We don't entirely stop from bickering, of course! We still, but every time we fight, we end it with a laugh. It just tastes refreshing. Now, we shamelessly say 'I love you' to each other. We also share our daily story via online messages. We support each other, just like Doo Young and Doo Shik have done in the movie. What a huuugeee blessing I didn't realize before!

I love you, sis. Even though I have no brother like Doo Young has, but I have a little sister.  Just one, but It's more than hundreds.

P.S: Here's the trailer of the movie. I watched the entire movie on an unofficial page (the most popular web for free movies in Indo, if you know what I mean hehe).

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